TALEX 3 Sounds — First Listen!

1- Introducing
4 Years in Development!
4- TALEX 3 says “NO” to 5G
5- Where is TALEX 3 in Development?
6- Display – First Look
7- Sounds – First Listen

Dear All,

Following Tuesdays post revealing how the TALEX 3 display looks, many Members have asked to hear the voice alerts!

There are actually more than 100 individual voice files for TALEX 3:

(the screenshot above shows 365 voice files, however most are in 2 or 3 formats)

So rather than listing them all, here are a few of the ‘main’ ones:

Speed Camera:

Average Speed Zone:

Possible Mobile Speed Trap:

Member Reported Speed Trap:
(ignore the elevated volume — will be fixed in final design)

“Ding” When Clear of a Speed Trap Location:

Depending on feedback from Members, we will probably introduce other voice options after TALEX 3 is delivered.

We’ll await Members comments once the network is live!

All the best,

P.S. As of 9:53 this morning 4748 Members have reserved their TALEX 3.

This means that we’re extremely close to our initial target of 5000 Founding Members, with just *252* TALEX 3 units left until we reach the target 🙂

If you haven’t yet reserved your TALEX 3, you can do so here:

Pre-Order your TALEX 3 Here

Update Tuesday 28th July 2020:

We hit our target of 5,000 Initial Users!
You can still order if this page is visible, however the Launch Deal won’t be open indefinitely.