TALEX Design Focus Group

We’ll email the group with any questions relating to important design decisions during final development to help shape how the final product works and looks etc… And if we need any field testing of products, we’ll also ask the group if you’d like to participate. Join the TALEX Design Focus Group below:

Amazing News: TALEX 3 Ready!

Dear All, It is with enormous pleasure and — honestly — huge relief that I can report that TALEX 3 is finally ready! I really wanted to email you last week after Lou confirmed all her tests were successful, but I thought that would be tempting fate and so decided to wait until I’d done

TALEX 3 Update 02/10/21

Dear All, I’m back in the UK and met with Lou who has been heading up the final stages of TALEX 3 development while I’ve been away. Here’s the update! All the best, Adam

TALEX 3 Update 03/09/21

Dear All,   Fingers crossed from across the pond… All the best, Adam P.S. After watching the video back I realised I glossed over the massive amount of work and skill that Lou has been putting in to get TALEX 3 sorted out. Thank you Lou 🙂

TALEX 3 Update 12/8/21

Dear All, Things are looking good for TALEX 3 🙂 I’m excited to say that we’ve worked out what the bug that’s been annoying the hell out of me for the last few months is! Ian road tested the new firmware yesterday, and has confirmed that the issue has been resolved. He did point out

TALEX 3 Update 18/7/21

Dear All, I’ve been meaning to update you on TALEX 3 for a few weeks now… Honestly, I wanted to wait until I could say “it’s ready and on the way” but I think too much time has passed to go without an update, so here it is: Correction: in the video I said that

TALEX 3 Ready(?) – Member Poll

Dear All, Here’s the vlog from the latest TALEX 3 test, filmed earlier this week: Member Poll: [yop_poll id=”1″]

TALEX 3 Update 18/4/21

Dear All,   The result of my ‘sign-off’ road test on a drive to Cornwall have resulted in just a few minor tweaks to be made which I go through in the video above. We’ll get them done and then we should be ready to flash the TALEX 3 units (which have all been manufactured)

TALEX 3 Update 15/4/21

Dear All,   Things are looking good! Tom has said that he’s happy that TALEX 3 is now working exactly as it should, and I plan to do a long 200 mile road test with it tomorrow to hopefully sign off on the final firmware. If I do sign off, we just need to resolve

TALEX 3 Update 25/3/21

Dear All, Just a real quick update on TALEX 3. We’re so close now — just in the very final stages — fingers crossed…