Quick Order Page: TALEX 3

Terms of Pre-Launch Deal & 90- Day Trial:

In return for pre-ordering, we’re offering BTST and DriveProtect Members the chance to get TALEX 3 at HALF PRICE.

We ask in return that you don’t claim on the 90 Day Trial until you’ve actually received your TALEX 3 and tested it out.

The 90 Day Trial starts from the date of delivery to you (not the date of order, for obvious reasons).

Database Updates

On the “thankyou” page you’ll see after the order confirmation, you’ll be able to set up your Direct Debit for your monthly database subscription.

The monthly database cost (including data charges!) is £5.17/month. If you’re interested in how we got to that number, you can read an explanation here.

Although your subscription will be “set up” straight away, you will not be charged until the day your TALEX 3 is delivered.

When to expect Delivery

Although we haven’t got an exact delivery date yet, because we’re just finishing up the last “bits and pieces” – the last minor details which will make TALEX 3 just right — we’re comfortable enough to pre-launch it now.

It’s possible delivery will be quite soon, but we prefer to err on the side of caution and give a very broad target delivery date of 2020.

Please tick to confirm you’ve read and agree with the Terms of offer above:

Option #1: Pre-Order and get TALEX 3 at HALF PRICE:

Pre-Order your TALEX 3 Now

Pre-order now with ₿itcoin

Pre-order now with PayPal

Option #2: Pay a £25 Deposit and get a 30% Discount. We’ll email you when your TALEX 3 arrives to request the balance of the payment before shipping. Because we have to “front” the money to order your TALEX 3 unit from the factory, this deposit is non refundable.

Pay a £25 Deposit and get 30% Discount

All the best,
