TALEX 3 Update 4/9/2020

Dear All,

I just wanted to give you an update on how development of TALEX 3 is going…

We’ve just conducted a road test with the latest firmware iteration and I’d say we’re 99.5% of the way there 🙂

There are just one or two bits and pieces to ‘tidy up’, then we should be good to get the first batch manufactured…

Tom — our new Database Manager — is doing a fantastic job.

He’s already got *two* new very high quality data sources, as well as a live data feed from our old friends at Highways England…

You know what they say about keeping your friends close and………. 😉

On top of this, we’ve been busy working on a couple of new features for TALEX 3 that we weren’t originally intending on having…

One is an alert to tell you your average speed since the start of an average speed trap zone, and the other one I’ll keep to myself for now until I know it’s definitely possible!

Overall, I’d say that we’re slightly ahead of schedule.

Of course that could change, but things are looking very good…

Have a great weekend, whatever you’re up to!
