If you are a Mac User, please email us for separate instructions. Thankyou!
Dear TALEX 3 User,
Please update your TALEX 3 with the latest firmware to ensure that it is functioning correctly and also downloading the latest speed camera updates.
1) How to do it (please watch the video):
2) Download the Firmware here (please watch the video above first):
> Download Firmware
Prefer a written guide on how to update your TALEX 3 Firmware?
1) Click “Download Firmware” above;
2) Save the file to any location on your computer (we suggest to the Desktop);
3) Plug your TALEX 3 in to your computer using the USB cable that came with it inside the box;
4) You should see – dL – on the TALEX 3 screen. If you don’t, please unplug and plug in again;
5) The Update Tool file should automatically open (your computer may ask you to “Select what happens with removable drives“. If it does, click that box and select “Open folder to view files“);
6) Double click UpdateTool.exe;
7) If prompted, give the Update Tool permission to make changes to your device;
8) When the Update Tool is open, click Open;
9) Select the firmware that you saved in step (2) above and click Open;
10) Click Update
Now just wait while your TALEX 3 Updates!
If you have any issues, just drop us an email 🙂